Author: Erick

Erick Wright a journalist focusing on editorial writing that covers global politics.

10 Health And Nutrition Tips For Extreme Sports Athletes

As an extreme sports athlete, nutrition plays a vital role in your performance. Working with a student athlete nutritionist can help you understand the unique dietary needs of your body while engaging in extreme sports activities. Here are 10 essential health and nutrition tips to keep your body in peak condition.

1. Stay Hydrated

Having enough water is key to athletes competing at any level of intensity, especially those who participate in extreme sports. To ensure that you maintain optimal hydration levels, make sure to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercising. Additionally, be aware of any dehydration signs such as dizziness or fatigue – these are warning signals that you need to replenish your electrolytes and fluids immediately.

2. Eat Enough Calories

One misconception among extreme sports athletes is that fewer calories means better performance on the field or court; however, this could not be further from the truth. Your body needs enough fuel to sustain it through intense physical activity sessions, so ensure you get adequate amounts of carbohydrates and proteins throughout the day. Working with a student athlete nutritionist can help determine the amount of calories you should have each day based on your current weight, body composition and sport-specific goals.

3. Consume Quality Sources Of Protein And Fats

Protein and fats are essential macronutrients for muscle building and recovery after exercise bouts; therefore, they should be included regularly in an athletic diet plan as well. Opt for sources like fish, poultry, eggs and nuts as they provide quality sources of protein without excessive saturated fat content which may lead to inflammation issues over time if consumed excessively or improperly balanced with other food groups like carbohydrates or vegetables/fruits . Eating lean meats such as chicken breast instead of red meat can also help reduce cholesterol levels while providing adequate amounts of energy needed by athletes competing in extreme sports activities .

4. Include Complex Carbohydrates In Your Meals

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy during exercise or any physical activity, so it’s important for athletes participating in extreme sports to consume complex carbohydrates every 2-3 hours prior to their training session or competition day. Whole grain breads/cereals, oats, brown rice, legumes (beans), quinoa, etc. all provide slow release energy to help you stay energised during long periods of intense exercise, as well as fibre to aid digestion and help maintain satiety after meals/snacks. It’s also advisable to include some simple carbohydrates in pre/post workout snacks such as fruit & low fat yoghurt which will provide an instant source of energy when needed most (pre-workout) & aid in muscle repair/recovery post workout respectively!

5. Include healthy fats in your diet

Fat is often misunderstood by athletes due to its association with weight gain; however, incorporating healthy fats into an athlete’s diet is actually beneficial both physically & nutritionally! Monounsaturated fats, found in foods such as olive oil, avocado and nuts, support brain function while promoting overall health! Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oils, flaxseed, etc., have anti-inflammatory properties which can be useful for athletes who experience joint soreness due to the repetitive, high-impact movements associated with extreme sports! Ensure a good balance between saturated and unsaturated fats by limiting processed fast foods as part of a regular diet.

6. Make sure you are getting the right vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins & minerals form the foundation of a strong immune system; hence they play a major role in helping prevent illnesses commonly experienced among athletes competing at the highest level! Vitamin C present in citrus fruits enhances the production of collagen fibers responsible for providing structural integrity of muscles, ligaments and tendons while zinc may improve healing times reducing chances of infections spreading quickly throughout the body! Vitamin B12 found in organ meats seafood helps transport oxygen red blood cells keeping muscles functioning optimally and extending duration of exercise sessions! Including a variety of fresh fruits vegetables daily menu provides ample vitamins minerals along with antioxidant benefits that help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress! Consult student athlete nutritionist to determine best supplement regimen suitable for individual lifestyle requirements!

7. Don’t forget calcium

Calcium forms the basis of strong bones, allowing them to withstand repeated impacts commonly encountered in contact sports such as wrestling, football, basketball, etc. Dairy products serve as the primary source of calcium, although vegan alternatives exist such as kale, broccoli, tofu, soy milk, almond butter, etc. Fortified cereals also contain decent amounts of minerals that help maintain bone strength! Adequate calcium intake is highly recommended to prevent the development of osteoporosis fractures later in life resulting in physical trauma-related incidents occurring throughout a career in athletics!

8. Rest and recovery

Proper rest after intense physical exertion is an important factor in maintaining the health and well being of active individuals practicing action-packed disciplines that constantly tax the limits of human endurance! Replenishing glycogen stores within 48 hours of a particularly strenuous session repairs damaged tissue fibres, reduces the risk of injury recurrence and ensures continued progress towards the ultimate goal(s)! Taking hot and cold showers, alternating temperatures, increases circulation and blood flow assisting the muscular recovery process therefore ideal for promoting optimal recovery rates for the respective student athlete!


Professional advice from a student-athlete nutritionist can go a long way towards improving an athlete’s performance during training or competition days involved in extreme sports activities! By implementing these 10 health and nutrition tips outlined above into everyday eating habits an individual will find themselves better prepared capable of taking full advantage of opportunities that arise through dedicated hard work commitment involved playing respective sport at the highest possible level!

Lose Weight Quickly and Easily with These Proven Weight Loss Supplements

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health, but many struggle to find the right balance of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes to be successful in their weight loss efforts. Luckily, there are effective supplements available that can help speed up the process. This article will discuss the various weight loss supplements on the market today and how they can benefit those looking to get slim and stay healthy.

What Are Weight Loss Supplements?

Weight loss supplements are nutritional products designed to promote safe and effective weight reduction by enhancing metabolism, increasing energy levels, and suppressing appetite. They come in a variety of forms such as tablets, capsules, powders, and teas that contain natural ingredients like herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other plant-based compounds. While these supplements can provide beneficial results when taken correctly under medical supervision, it’s important to consult your doctor before taking any new supplement or medication to make sure it won’t interact negatively with any existing conditions or medications you may be taking.

Types of Weight Loss Supplements

There are several types of weight loss supplements on the market today, each offering its own unique benefits:

1. Appetite Suppressants

These suppressants reduce hunger cravings which help people feel fuller longer throughout the day so they don’t snack or overeat at mealtime. Common ingredients include fiber-rich foods like oats or beans as well as natural substances from plants like hoodia gordonii or green tea extract.

2. Fat Burners

Fat burners work by increasing body temperature which helps boost metabolism which then leads to burning more calories during physical activities like walking or exercising. Stimulant-based fat burners often contain caffeine or similar stimulants while non-stimulant versions use plant extracts such as green tea leaf for their thermogenic effect instead.

3. Carb blockers

Carb blockers help prevent carbohydrates from being absorbed into the bloodstream, reducing calorie intake throughout the day without affecting blood sugar levels. The main ingredient used in most carb blockers is called Phaseolus Vulgaris Extract (PVE), which works by blocking the enzymes responsible for breaking down starch in food into simple sugars that our bodies can easily digest for quick energy boosts throughout the day.

4. Metabolism Boosters

Metabolism boosters increase the metabolic rate, helping individuals to burn more calories than usual even at rest, leading to faster fat loss over time without having a detrimental effect on muscle tissue growth, as some stimulant-based fat burner products may do if taken incorrectly. Herbs such as Ginger Root & Turmeric, along with B Vitamins, typically make up most metabolism-boosting formulas due to their ability to naturally stimulate thyroid hormones, which are responsible for controlling the metabolic rate in our bodies.

5 . Prebiotics & Probiotics

Prebiotics & probiotics can help regulate gut bacteria populations, which helps to improve digestive health, leading to better absorption of nutrients from food sources. In addition, probiotics have been linked to increased satiety, thereby reducing total calorie intake per day, as feelings of fullness are achieved much sooner after meals. Common prebiotic & probiotic ingredients found in weight loss supplement formulas include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium animalis & Saccharomyces boulardii among many others.

6 . Dietary Fibre

Fibre is an essential nutrient necessary for proper digestion plus elimination of waste build-up within the intestines providing numerous other benefits besides just contributing to healthier bowel movements once a day. Many fiber-rich formulations are available either in powder form mixable into liquid drinks/shakes as well as drinkable ready-to-drink bottles containing anywhere from 10g – 20g per serving size depending on individual needs/preferences along with product-specific instructions when incorporated into a daily regimen.

7 . Thermogenics / Lipotropics

Thermogenics are supplements that increase body temperature to maximize the potential for weight loss during physical activity. They contain stimulants such as caffeine and herbal sources such as guarana seeds, yerba mate, and bitter orange peel. They are a viable choice for those who haven’t achieved the desired results using traditional methods alone. A thermogenic/lipotropic combination is usually recommended for prolonged use, with a high potency and safety profile making it a superior option.

Why Pea Supplement Is the Perfect Protein For Keto and Paleo Diets

As more and more people turn towards healthier lifestyles, it’s important to understand the nutritional benefits of certain foods. One such option is pea supplement Australia, which has become increasingly popular amongst those following a keto or paleo diet. This plant-based protein source provides several health benefits, making it an ideal choice for individuals looking to get the most out of their diets. Here are some reasons why pea supplement is an excellent choice for anyone on either a paleo or keto diet.

Benefits of Pea Supplement

Pea supplement is widely recognized as one of Australia’s best sources of plant-based protein. It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source that can help maintain muscle mass and promote overall health. Pea protein powder also contains high levels of arginine, lysine and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). These key nutrients are essential for boosting energy levels and aiding in muscle recovery after exercise. As such, incorporating this into your diet can benefit those who lead active lifestyles or are looking to build lean body mass.

Low in Carbs and Fat

One major concern with following a low carb diet like the ketogenic diet is finding ways to get adequate amounts of protein without consuming too many carbs or fats. Fortunately, pea supplements provide an effective solution due to their low carb and fat content. In comparison to other forms of animal proteins like beef or chicken, peas contain far fewer carbohydrates than their animal counterparts – making them perfect for anyone trying to reduce their daily intake while still reaping the benefits of adequate protein consumption. They are also free from saturated fats which helps reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels within the body.

Reduced Allergen Risk

Unlike other plant-based sources such as soybean proteins, pea supplements pose very little risk regarding potential allergies; making them a safe alternative for those suffering from food intolerances or sensitivities. Furthermore, these types of supplements are suitable for both vegan and vegetarian diets due to their lack of animal products – allowing users greater versatility when planning meals that fit within these dietary restrictions.

Improved Digestion

Pea supplement has been found to improve digestion by promoting regular bowel movements thanks its soluble fibre content – something that cannot be said about other forms of protein powders such as whey isolate or casein powders . As well as helping with constipation issues , this type of fibre helps slow down food absorption which means you will stay fuller longer between meals – reducing snacking cravings throughout the day!

Improved immune system function

Another benefit associated with regular pea supplementation is its ability to boost immune system function. Not only do they contain vitamins B6, C, A & E, but because they come from natural sources, they are better absorbed by our bodies than synthetic ones would be. This can be particularly useful at times when our bodies need extra support – such as when we’re suffering from colds/flu, or when our diet isn’t providing enough nutrients through food alone.

Cost-effective way to get quality protein

Finally, one of the great things about using this type of product is its affordability compared to other types available in supermarkets across Australia. While there are cheaper options available, they tend to lack quality ingredients – meaning you won’t get any extra nutrition compared to what you’d find in purer forms, such as pure Australian peas. Therefore, while opting for a more expensive brand may seem more expensive at first, it will ultimately prove more cost effective over time due to the higher levels of concentration per serving size.


Overall, incorporating Australian-sourced pea supplements into your daily routine offers several benefits, not only specifically related to the keto/paleo diet, but also to general health! Their unique blend not only provides the necessary macronutrients needed while following these regimes, but also packs powerful immune boosters along with improved digestive capabilities. So make sure you take advantage today by adding this versatile superfood to your diet today!

A Guide to Appetite Suppressants: Suppressing Your Appetite for a Healthier You

Are you having trouble controlling your appetite? If so, then an appetite suppressant may be just what you need. Appetite suppressants can help fight the urge to eat more than is necessary and keep cravings at bay. Read on to learn more about how they work and some of the best products available.

Appetite suppressants are an effective way to suppress your appetite, making it easier to maintain a healthy diet. These medications or supplements work by increasing levels of certain hormones, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, in the body. These hormones regulate feelings of fullness after eating, reducing hunger and cravings for unhealthy snacks.

How Do Appetite Suppressants Work?

Appetite suppressants work by blocking hunger signals from reaching the brain, thus reducing cravings and helping people stick to a healthier diet plan. Some types of appetite suppressant drugs also act on areas in the brain that control food intake, such as leptin and ghrelin receptors. Others increase levels of natural “feel good” chemicals like dopamine or serotonin in the body, making it easier for people to resist unhealthy snacks or overeating when stressed.

Types Of Appetite Suppressants

There are several types of appetite suppressants available on the market today, including prescription medications, over-the-counter pills, natural herbs and supplements, and even foods that have been shown to help curb hunger cravings. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Prescription Medications:

Prescription medications like phentermine (Adipex) or liraglutide (Saxenda) are FDA approved for weight loss purposes but should only be used under doctor supervision due to potential side effects like increased blood pressure or heart rate changes. These medications typically work by decreasing feelings of hunger while also boosting metabolism in order to burn more calories throughout the day.

  • Over-Counter Pills:

Over-the-counter diet pills like Orlistat (Alli) contain ingredients designed to help block fat absorption while also suppressing appetite. They may be effective but should always be taken according to directions on the label due to possible side effects like nausea or abdominal cramping if taken incorrectly.

  • Natural herbs and supplements:

Natural herbs and supplements can help with weight loss efforts by providing extra energy throughout the day and suppressing the appetite naturally, without the harsh chemicals or stimulants found in prescription drugs. Popular options include green tea extract, garcinia cambogia extract, glucomannan powder, raspberry ketone extract and hoodia gordonii extract, among others – all of which can be purchased online or at your local health food store without a prescription.

  • Foods that help curb hunger pangs:

Eating certain foods is one way people can naturally curb their hunger pangs without resorting to chemical means; some examples include lean proteins such as chicken breast or fish, plus fibre-rich fruits/vegetables such as apples/berries along with leafy greens such as kale/spinach which are packed with nutrients yet are low in calories! In addition, nuts such as almonds provide a satisfying crunch combined with omega-3 fatty acids, which also help to keep your heart healthy!

The benefits of using appetite suppressants

Using an appetite suppressant has many benefits compared to other methods of weight loss, including improved adherence rates due to reduced feelings of hunger, leading to fewer binge/overeating episodes over time as they make it easier not only physically but mentally too – creating better long term results overall from consistent effort rather than just hoping everything goes well for one period! In addition, these products are generally safe when used correctly, so there’s no major risk involved either, apart from the occasional mild side effects common to most medications, such as stomach upset, etc.

Precautions when taking appetite suppressants

It is important for anyone considering taking an appetite suppressant product they first consult their doctor before doing so; this will ensure that safety precautions are followed, especially if there are any underlying medical conditions that could affect how safely someone takes these types of medication(s). In addition, many products require regular monitoring via blood tests, so it’s best not to start anything new until you’ve been given first-hand approval directly from the healthcare professional themselves! Finally, remember that this isn’t a magic pill solution, but rather part of a larger lifestyle change where proper diet and exercise must still take precedence in order to achieve the desired result sustainable over the long term – something worth keeping in mind during the process too.

What Is The Best CBD Oil For Anxiety? A Beginner’s Guide

CBD oil has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural treatment for anxiety. Studies suggest that it can help reduce symptoms of depression, PTSD, and other forms of stress. But with so many CBD products on the market, how do you know which is right for you? This guide will answer all your questions about using CBD oil for anxiety and provide a comprehensive overview of the best cbd oil for anxiety available today.

CBD stands for cannabidiol—a chemical compound found in cannabis plants like hemp and marijuana. Unlike its psychoactive cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not produce any intoxicating effects when consumed. Instead, it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to bring calmness and relaxation.

Benefits Of Taking CBD For Anxiety

Studies have shown that taking CBD oil can help reduce symptoms associated with anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder. It may also effectively treat social phobia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Additionally, some research suggests that taking CBD may have an antidepressant effect as well.

How Does It Work?

CBD works by interacting with receptors located throughout our bodies known as cannabinoid receptors. When these receptors are activated by cannabinoids like CBD, they can stimulate the release of serotonin—an important neurotransmitter involved in regulating our moods and feelings of wellbeing. By increasing levels of serotonin, CBD can help to promote a state of relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiousness or fear.

Types Of CBD Oil For Anxiety

There are several types of CBD oils available on the market today which can be used to treat symptoms related to anxiety disorders:

• Full-Spectrum Hemp Extract:

These products contain other compounds present in hemp plants along with cannabidiol such as flavonoids, terpenes, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, proteins, chlorophyll etc., allowing them to offer additional benefits compared to pure isolated cannabidiol extracts alone. However since they contain trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), there is always a risk that users could experience some psychoactive effects from consuming this type of product if taken at high doses or over extended periods of time.

• Broad-Spectrum Hemp Extract

Similar to full spectrum extract but without any detectable amount/trace amount (< 0 .3% )of THC – thus providing all the therapeutic benefits without any risk associated with THC consumption. This makes it ideal for individuals who want to enjoy all the advantages without worrying about getting “high” from their medication.

• Isolated Cannabidiol Extracts

This type contains only pure isolated Cannabinoid molecules derived from hemp plant extract using advanced CO2 extraction process ,which eliminates all other compounds present in plant material , leaving behind only desired active ingredients i e-,Cannabidiol molecule itself & minor trace amounts (<0 .02%)of terpene & flavonoids etc., making it ideal choice if user wants maximum concentration level coupled with no risk associated due presence zero traces/amounts (~ nil)of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Tips for choosing the best product for your needs

When choosing the type or brand of product best suited to individual needs, it’s important to consider a few factors before making a purchase decision, such as: what form does the user prefer? Capsules, gummies, oils, tinctures? What dosage/strength options are available for a particular product? How much money is the user willing to spend per month on medication? Which company produces this product & what feedback do customers give about it? Once these questions are answered then next step should be to research specific companies & brands offering products meeting individual criteria & then compare prices against each other until best option is found fitting budget & needs simultaneously.

Dosage recommendations and side effects

It’s important to note that exact dosage will vary depending on individual’s weight, size, age, gender, activity level & severity of condition being treated – however general rule of thumb when starting low go slow approach ie start lowest recommended dose, observe results, adjust accordingly while keeping a close eye on possible side effects occurring until optimal balance between relief, comfort and safety is achieved simultaneously. Common side effects include tiredness, mild headache, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhoea, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, changes in sleep patterns, changes in senses, taste, smell, vision, hearing, etc – if any of these occur, consult a doctor immediately, stop using immediately, consult a pharmacist/doctor, further action required, address problem causing concern.


In conclusion, cannabidiol has proven to be highly effective treatment in managing symptoms related conditions ranging from chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis, depression, insomnia, PTSD, anxiety etc. While selecting best CBD oil for anxiety first step should involve doing own research familiarise self options available once past stage decision easier selection comes down personal preference budget constraints availability of certain types of products region living etc… Lastly remember always start slow increase dose gradually while keeping close eye on side effects until optimal balance between relief comfort safety is achieved simultaneously – stay safe happy!