Category: Health

What Things You Have To Do In Any Type Of Flu?

The flu is one of the most common and deadly diseases around. It’s estimated that every year, a third of people in the U.S. are infected with influenza, resulting in an average of 36,000 hospitalizations and about 24,000 deaths.

While it can be hard to avoid getting sick during a pandemic, there are things you can do after you fall ill to lower your risk of complications and shorten your recovery time.

Here are some easy tips on how to get rid of the flu fast.

Get plenty of rest

Rest is vital to getting well from any illness or injury. It also helps with healing from the flu. When you have a fever, rest by staying in bed and trying not to move much except when taking short bathroom breaks.

You should try to sleep as much as possible each night, taking care to keep all body fluids inside your body (including urine). This will help prevent dehydration.

If you aren’t sleeping enough, though, you won’t be able to fully recover from the flu. So if you need to stay awake for a while, try to take naps rather than staying up all night.

Don’t eat

When you feel better, start eating small meals again and begin drinking liquids like water, juice, or broth. You may even want to add some honey to your diet. Honey is full of enzymes that can boost your immune system and speed the healing process.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and spicy foods. They may make you feel better but they could also increase your risk of getting sicker.

Take a hot shower

After resting, head straight for the shower and wash away any germs that may still be floating around in your body.

It’s important to cleanse your skin because it’s where many viruses can enter your body. Make sure to scrub under your fingernails and between your toes too.

Stay hydrated

Your body needs water to survive. The more dehydrated you are, the more likely you are to become very sick from the flu.

That’s why it’s so important to drink lots of water throughout the day. Try to drink at least eight glasses per day, which equals two quarts of water. If you don’t like plain water, try adding lemon or orange slices or cucumber slices.

Some people find it easier to drink warm water instead of cold water. Cold water can cause your stomach to contract too much, which can lead to nausea and diarrhea.

Treat yourself to a flu shot

A vaccine can help protect you against both seasonal and swine flu. Getting vaccinated is the best way to avoid catching the flu, especially if you are planning on traveling outside the country or going out into public places.

Make sure you get the right type of flu shot depending on what strain of virus you might be exposed to. For example, if you are at high risk of catching bird flu, you’ll probably want a shot that protects against H5N1. That way, if you happen to come down with bird flu, you’re less likely to die.

You should also consider getting a flu shot if you spend a lot of time with young children or elderly relatives. These groups tend to be at higher risk due to their weaker immune systems.

Finally, check the expiration date on your vaccination certificate before heading out to the doctor or pharmacy.

Clean your house

Cleaning your home can help reduce your chances of getting sick from the flu. Start by wiping down surfaces like door handles, countertops, toilets, and light switches with disinfectant wipes. Then use bleach-based cleaners to wipe down floors and furniture.

You can also buy air fresheners that contain eucalyptus oil, which makes the smell of the flu stronger. Be careful, however, because these products are flammable.

Use natural remedies

There are several natural remedies you can try if you’ve been diagnosed with the flu. Some people swear by garlic supplements, tea tree oil, or ginger root capsules.

Other popular remedies include hot baths, vitamin C, and zinc lozenges. But before using them, make sure you consult your doctor first.

Stay connected with friends and family

Being isolated from loved ones can be depressing and frustrating. So if you can, don’t go completely off the grid. Just call or send text messages to let everyone know you’re okay and ask if anyone else has gotten sick.

In addition, encourage others who are sick to stay in bed as much as possible. Don’t leave them alone. You never know when they might pick something up from you.

Avoid crowds

If you must venture outside, try to limit your social contacts. Avoid large gatherings and crowded places. Stay home if you start feeling sick.

Also, try to avoid shaking hands, kissing, hugging, and sharing drinks and food with other people. These may spread germs in your mouth or nose.

Try over-the-counter medications

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) and ibuprofen (e.g., Advil) can help relieve symptoms of the flu. But don’t take too much or for too long, because these drugs can also interact negatively with prescription medicines and make you drowsy.

You might be thinking about how long does the flu last so for that we don’t have a specific answer as you can tackle it with your good immune system and if you are not having a good immune system then you have to take medicines which is being prescribed by a professional doctor. This will help you a lot and you well become well as soon as possible.

Some things to consider during a saliva test

You’ve probably been told to spit into a cup, or even a plastic bag, and send it off for testing. Or maybe you’re being tested yourself, in which case you might be asked to place your cheek under the tube of your electric toothbrush.

The truth is that saliva samples don’t stay around forever, but they can still provide useful information when used correctly. Let’s take a look at what happens to these samples.

When we think about our body fluids, we tend to think of blood, urine, sweat and tears as the most important ones. We also know that blood contains antibodies against many viruses and bacteria, including HIV.

But there are other bodily fluids that can tell us a lot about ourselves – such as saliva, which we all produce every time we swallow. The first thing to note about saliva is that it doesn’t contain much water. It’s mostly made up of proteins, enzymes, fats and minerals. Saliva plays an important role in the digestion of food. The enzymes in saliva, such as amylase, break down carbohydrates into smaller molecules that can be easily absorbed by the body. Saliva also lubricates food, making it easier to swallow. There are also many other functions of it. Read this article to know about it.

This means that it’s very hard for any foreign objects to get mixed in with a saliva sample. So if you have a blood-borne virus, like HIV, then the chances of contaminating your sample will be minimal. But some viral infections do cross over from person to person through saliva, so this isn’t always the case.

Another thing to consider is the fact that saliva is often collected by mouth swabs, rather than by spitting into a cup or bag. Mouth swabs are typically placed on a card, but sometimes they’re left inside a tube in an envelope. This makes them more likely to pick up particles from the environment. And since saliva is mostly protein, that could lead to false positives.

So, in short, the answer to “how long does a saliva sample last?” is ‘as long as you want it to!’

In order to understand why this works, it helps to know how saliva gets into our mouths. When we eat something, it usually passes down our esophagus and into the stomach, where the acid breaks it down further. If it ends up in our throat, though, it goes through two different stages before getting swallowed.

First, it travels down our windpipe (called the pharynx), where it hits the back of our tongue (the epiglottis). Here, it slows down enough that it can be swallowed easily. Once swallowed, it continues down the esophagus until it reaches the stomach, where it mixes with gastric juices.

Once it’s in the stomach, the next stage begins, which is called peristalsis. Peristalsis is a wave of muscular contractions that push food along. In other words, if you put a bunch of saliva in your hand, it would move pretty slowly. But as soon as your muscles start contracting to push the saliva into your stomach, it starts moving faster and faster.

Your salivary glands, however, don’t really work like this. Instead, their function is to release fluid into the mouth, which eventually moves down into the esophagus.

Testing saliva

At this point, you may be wondering how exactly saliva tests are done. A saliva test involves collecting a small amount of saliva from your mouth, either using a cotton swab or by asking you to let some fall out naturally. Saliva is then analyzed for certain types of molecules.

One common type found in saliva is immunoglobulin A, or IgA. IgA is produced by B cells, which are white blood cells that help fight off germs and other invaders. IgA is also found in mucous, which is a thin, slippery substance that protects your body from things like dust, dirt and other substances. IgA is found in the lining of your digestive tract and also in your respiratory system. It’s one of the first lines of defense against invading pathogens.

IgA is found in both human and animal saliva. However, the levels of IgA in saliva change throughout the year. For example, the levels of IgA in children increase during the winter months, while they decrease during the summer months. This is because kids spend more time outdoors during the cold winter months, which puts them at increased risk of exposure to harmful organisms.

In addition to IgA, another molecule found in saliva is alpha-amylase. Alpha-amylase is an enzyme produced by your pancreas, which is responsible for breaking down starch into smaller pieces. These pieces are then absorbed into your bloodstream, allowing you to use the energy they contain to perform basic functions.

If you were diagnosed with diabetes, for instance, you’d need to monitor your blood sugar level regularly. One way to do this is to check for elevated levels of alpha-amylase in your saliva. Your doctor will check for this specific molecule – or any others – to make sure your blood sugar is within normal limits.

A third molecule found in saliva is secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2), which is involved in inflammation and immunity. It’s also found in breast milk. sPLA2 is released into the bloodstream when your immune system detects a pathogen or chemical that needs to be destroyed. But it turns out that sPLA2 is also found in saliva, and it increases in concentration after eating foods rich in fat. So if you ate a high-fat meal, your saliva would likely show elevated levels of sPLA2.

Finally, there’s kallikrein 4, which is normally present in human saliva at low concentrations. Kallikrein 4 is a serine protease that works by destroying other proteins. It’s also involved in wound healing, tissue degradation and bone resorption.

The good news is that none of the molecules mentioned above are associated with health problems. But it’s important to remember that each of these markers has its own purpose beyond just diagnosing disease. They can also give doctors insight into your diet and lifestyle choices – making it easier to create personalized treatment plans.

For example, a patient’s doctor might test his or her saliva for biomarkers linked to heart disease. This might include cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins and other molecules that are related to cardiovascular health. After analyzing the results, the doctor will use this data to determine whether the patient should lose weight, gain weight or follow a more specific treatment plan.

And because saliva tests aren’t invasive, they’re also less painful than other diagnostic tools. Plus, saliva tests are simple, inexpensive and easy to administer. This makes them ideal for screening patients who haven’t yet received full diagnosis, or for monitoring their progress during regular care.

How To Keep Your Teeth Healthy & Clean

When it comes to the dental health, we all know that there are some simple things that you can do every day to make sure your teeth stay healthy and avoid any problems. LPS Dental is one of the best options to do so!

Maintaining healthy teeth over a lifetime is necessary. Even if you think your teeth are in excellent condition, it’s still important to care for them properly every day to avoid issues. It all comes down to using the proper oral care products and paying attention to your daily routine. You might be surprised to learn that there are many things that you can do to keep your teeth looking great. You just have to take care of them every day. 

Some of these things include brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, eating a balanced diet and also visiting your dentist regularly. Here are several ways on how you can take care of your dental hygiene so that you can get the best results.


One of the first steps in taking care of your teeth is by brushing twice daily. Make sure you brush for at least two minutes each time, and use a soft-bristled toothbrush. It is important to note that you should not use a finger or an electric toothbrush as they do not clean effectively enough.

It is also wise to choose the right type of toothpaste for your needs. For example, if you suffer from sensitive teeth then you should buy toothpastes with less abrasives that will help reduce the sensitivity.

Another thing that you need to do is to change your toothbrush after three months so that it can remain fresh. Also, you should replace the bristles after about six months.

If you have problems with gums, then it is recommended that you visit your dentist so that he or she can recommend the best solution for you.


Another way to prevent cavities is by using flossing at least once a day. When you floss, make sure that you floss between each tooth, starting with the front teeth and working toward the back ones. This will ensure that you remove plaque buildup on the sides of your teeth.

It is also good to use a dental flosser to help you remove the plaque buildup. The flossers work much better than regular floss because they create friction against your teeth which helps loosen up the food particles stuck in between.

As a general rule, you should floss before going to bed so that you do not forget during the night. Also, you should only floss one side of the mouth at a time because this will enable the saliva to flow freely while you are flossing.

Using Mouthwash

As mentioned above, you should also use mouthwash every day to maintain your oral hygiene. There are different types of mouthwashes available on the market today. These include flavored, minty, antiseptic, alcohol-based mouthwashes, etc. Whatever you select, make sure that it does not contain alcohol or any other ingredients that could cause allergic reactions.

The most common problem with mouthwash is that people don’t rinse their mouths well enough after using it. As such, it tends to stain the teeth and may leave a bad taste in your mouth. To avoid this, always swish the mouthwash in your mouth for 30 seconds before rinsing it out. Also, you should spit it out after you rinse so that you can make sure that everything gets flushed away.

Eating a Balanced Diet

There are certain foods that can affect the growth of bacteria in your mouth, especially when you eat a lot of sugary foods like candies, cakes, pastries, and sodas. If you want to keep your teeth healthy, you need to steer clear of these items.

You should also try to avoid putting too much sugar in your diet. Too much sugar is known to make your teeth more prone to decay. In fact, studies show that the risk of developing dental caries increases by 25 percent if you consume more than 20 grams of sugar per day.

Instead of consuming too much sugar, you should choose healthy alternatives like fruits and vegetables. They tend to have lesser sugars than the sweetened foods that you usually consume. Fruits have potassium and vitamin C, which are both essential nutrients that help fight off bacterial infections in the mouth.

Visiting Your Dentist Regularly

This is another very effective way of keeping your teeth healthy. A dentist will be able to identify problems in your teeth, gum tissues, and other parts of your mouth. He or she will also be able to treat minor issues without costing you anything.

A dentist can even perform procedures that would cost thousands of dollars if done in a different area. Some of these procedures include crowns, bridges, implants, root canal treatment, and teeth whitening.

In case you are worried about visiting a dentist, here are some tips on how to find a good one in your area.

  Look for a dentist who has been practicing long enough to build up a reputation. Check his/her credentials (i.e., board certifications, membership in professional organizations).

  Ask friends and family members where they go for their dental services.

  Visit local dentistry offices. Look at their facilities and equipment to see if they meet your standards.

  Check online for reviews. Read what previous patients had to say about their experiences with the dentist.

Finding a low cost dental care

The cost of dental care. Routine dental care is not covered by Medicare, and Medicaid dental coverage may be restricted in some states. You might want to research senior private dental insurance. Make sure you are aware of the price and the services provided.

Guide On Finding The Best Health Insurance Deal

Contrary to popular belief, choosing a health insurance is not as simple as just picking the most expensive one, or choosing the insurance that covers the most procedures or medications. There are specific nuances that you should look for and factors that should be considered in order to find the best health insurance deal. Luckily, we are here to help you in that regard. If you don’t have a health insurance coverage and would like to change that now, you came to the right place. This article will help you choose and compare health insurance by providing you with some tips on how to find the best health insurance deal for you. Without further ado, let’s start:

  1. Medication coverage

The first thing you should consider is if your routine medicines or the prescription drugs that you are already taking would be covered by the health insurance that you are considering to get. If you already have plenty of routine meds, it might be a good idea to check if an insurance provider covers most, if not all of your routine medication. 

Every health insurance company features a formulary, which is a term for the list of medications that they cover.  If a medication is not included in the formulary, chances are that medication might not be reimbursed, and individuals will need to go through a long procedure to get coverage. 

The list of eligible medications is also separated into categories, which affect the amount of money that you may be required to pay for a copayment or coinsurance. Generate a checklist of your existing medications and match it to the insurance policy’s formulary to ensure that your medications are included and that you fully comprehend any potential expenses for medication that are not covered by the insurance policy.

  1. Insurance deductible policy

Another factor to consider when choosing a health insurance coverage is the policy’s deductible, which will determine how much must you spend with your own money before your insurance takes effect. 

For instance, if the deductible is $1,000, the health plan will not cover the majority of the spending until after you’ve paid $1,000 from your own funds. A patient’s out of pocket expenses may also include doctor appointments, treatment charges, and in certain instances, medications. 

Certain preventative care, like authorized cancer screenings as well as vaccinations, are often paid in full before the deductible is met. Individuals who choose a health insurance that features a high deductible will generally have a low monthly insurance payment, while those who choose a plan with a lower deductible would likely have a more expensive insurance payment every month.

Typically, insurers demand that a deductible be satisfied before paying the majority of medical and pharmaceutical services. Verify with your insurance company to see if your insurance coverage has a unified, consolidated deductible for healthcare and pharmaceutical services, or if they have a different deductible threshold for medications to determine the amount of money you need to spend out of pocket before your medications are compensated.

  1. Insurance premium

The last but not the least factor to consider is how much you will pay for the monthly premium cost. This is the price you pay to an insurance provider for insurance, regardless of whether you utilize medical and pharmaceutical services. If you quit paying your premiums on a regular basis, you run the danger of losing your policy. In addition, you will be liable for the deductible as well as coinsurance, so keep that in mind when picking an insurance coverage if you are tight on cash.

Coca Cola Fighting Obesity With New Ad Campaign

In an ironic twist of what some are calling damage control public relations, Coca-Cola’s latest campaign is not about selling sodas–it’s about fighting obesity.

In the first commercial of the campaign, called “Coming Together,” Coca-Cola says that it would “like people to come together on something that concerns us all: obesity.”

More commercials from the campaign are set to follow on television starting this week.

Soda: the kiss of death?

Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), says that soda is one of the number one culprits of obesity in the country. But Coca-Cola is singing a different tune, pointing out that 180 of its beverages are low- and no-calorie drinks.

The campaign’s core message is that “all calories count” and that “if you eat and drink more calories than you burn off, you’ll gain weight.”

CSPI, on the other hand, believes the campaign is just “a damage control exercise” and not a valuable or meaningful push from Coca-Cola toward ending obesity.

Moderation, please

According to Jacobson, soda isn’t inherently bad, but moderation must be exercised–a trait that doesn’t seem to come easily to Americans.

“We don’t want to wipe out soft drinks. But we would like to see soft drinks return to the dietary role they played in the ’50s, which was occasionally, and small portions, (as a) special treat. Now, people are guzzling huge containers of soda every day of their lives, practically.”

Coca-Cola has also decided to add calorie counts to the front of soda labels, making it easy for consumers to know what they’re drinking. And the company’s spokesperson Ben Scheidler said they’re dedicated to educating people about “energy balance.”

“We’ve never been more committed to doing our part to help address the issue of obesity,” Scheidler said.