Carbon Monoxide Detectors-What Are They And Their Various Types In Detail?

The winter of 2019-20 was a particularly harsh one across the United States. From January through March, temperatures dropped to record lows in some places, and snow blanketed everything in sight. With the cold weather came cabin fever. Many people spent a lot more time inside their homes than they would have liked. As a result, there were many reported cases of carbon monoxide poisoning – sometimes resulting in death. 

As a property manager, you’re responsible for your residents’ safety. You should be familiar with how to properly use carbon monoxide detectors and make sure that every single one is working properly. Otherwise, you could end up losing your job over an unfortunate incident. Here’s what you need to know about CO detectors. 

What Are CO Detectors? 

A carbon monoxide (CO) detector is a small device that detects tiny amounts of this lethal gas, which can quickly kill if it enters the home or building where it is being used. This type of detector is often called a “personal” detector because it’s designed to work in individual residences. There are also larger models that are meant to detect levels of CO in the air in large spaces like hospitals, schools, and even workplaces. These devices are typically referred to as “industrial” detectors, but they’re still personal detectors. 

You might think that installing a CO detector in your own home would be easy enough. After all, isn’t carbon monoxide just another form of smoke? Well, yes, but not exactly. In fact, it’s so different from other forms of smoke that most people don’t realize that it can kill them. It’s odorless, tasteless, colorless, and invisible. If you’re exposed to high concentrations of carbon monoxide, you’ll feel lightheaded and confused. Your heart rate will increase, and you may experience nausea, dizziness, headaches, confusion, vomiting, and even unconsciousness. The longer you remain at risk, the higher your chances of dying.

CO Detector Types

There are two main types of CO detectors on the market. Your first choice depends on whether you want to install a detector in your home or business. 

If you’re looking to install a residential detector, you’ll probably prefer a digital model. They’re smaller, lighter, and easier to handle than analog alarms. Most of these monitors come with either a battery or hardwired power supply, but you can buy a portable version if you’d rather not worry about having to replace batteries. On top of that, they usually feature LED lights, LCD screens, and voice prompts to let you know when something dangerous is happening. 

Analog models are the traditional kind of CO detector. They consist of a sensor that’s placed near the furnace or boiler, and it sends out a signal whenever it picks up a trace amount of CO. These alarms tend to be more reliable and less expensive than digital versions, though they do cost more per unit. 

While you’re shopping around, remember that you’ll need to keep track of the specific make and model number of each type of detector you choose. When it comes time to change the batteries in your CO alarm, make sure you get the right type of batteries for the specific model. Not only does this ensure that your monitor will be effective, but it also helps keep the costs down by reducing the chance that you’ll accidentally purchase the wrong size or type of batteries. 

There is not just a single type of the carbon monoxide detectors that are available for the people. A person should have the idea of the various options and plan to choose the best one. In the long run the option will give good results. The try of the people must be to reach the goals with better results. First of all a person need to find as various reasons why this is happening .

How To Install A CO Alarm 

Installing a CO alarm is pretty straightforward. Follow these steps to learn about how to do it correctly. 

  1. First off, make sure that you’ve secured all windows and doors with proper window guards, storm shutters, or safety locks. It’s important that you take extra care during this step. 
  2. Next, check to see if the furnace or boiler is located within 20 feet of any walls or ceiling. If it is, put a CO detector there immediately. If not, go ahead and move it closer to the source of heat. 
  3. When you’re ready to install your CO alarm, follow these steps: 
  4. Cut a hole into the wall for the CO sensor. Be careful not to cut through the drywall. Make sure that you place the hole close to the floor so that the sensor can pick up the lowest concentration of CO possible. 
  5. Place the sensor on the wall and secure it with tape or duct tape. 
  6. Wire the alarm directly to the CO sensor. 
  7. Plug the device into a nearby outlet and connect the wires using a suitable electrical cord. 
  8. Then, plug the battery into the wall socket and connect the wire to the battery using a suitable extension cord. 
  9. Test the detector before you set it permanently into the wall. 
  10. Turn the alarm on and leave it turned on overnight. 
  11. Repeat these steps for every room in your house or business. 

Don’t forget to remove the batteries from your alarm after you turn the system off and store them somewhere safe. 

Where Should I Put My CO Detector? 

Once you’ve installed your CO alarm, you’ll need to decide where to place it. Ideally, you’ll want to put it in a central location such as the dining area, living room, or kitchen. That way, you can easily tell if it has been activated. 

However, if you live in a condominium, apartment complex, or townhouse, you’ll likely need to place the detector elsewhere. It’s better if you put the thing near the stove or furnace, but you shouldn’t need to put it too far away from the heat source. Just make sure that the sensor is pointed toward the ground and not directly above the heater.

What Happens If Someone Gets Poisoned By CO? 

When someone gets poisoned by CO in your residence, it’s important that you act fast. Call 911 and begin performing CPR until emergency personnel arrive. If the victim is unresponsive, then call your local poison control center. Give the name of the person who was injured and describe his or her symptoms. 

It’s important to note that CO poisoning can lead to permanent damage. In severe cases, it can also cause brain damage or even death. 

This article provides general information only. If you have questions about anything mentioned here, please consult with your doctor or other medical professional. 

The content in this article is provided solely for educational and informational purposes, and is not intended to be taken as medical advice. Consult a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition or health goals.